
There are seven sacraments in the Armenian Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance/confession, Holy Communion, Marriage, Ordination and Anointing of the Sick.

Visit Armenian Church sacraments for more information


The Armenian Church recognizes one spiritual Baptism. It is the first sacrament. The sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion are administered immediately after Baptism. If a Believer has been christened in an Orthodox, Catholic or other Church and wishes to become a member of the Armenian Church, his/her baptism is recognized.

The ceremony of Baptism can be performed in two ways:

  1. Infant: After having consecrated the water by the sign of the cross and with the holy chrism, the baby’s body is submerged into the water three times.
  2. Adult: Pouring holy water three times upon the head of the person being baptized.

Arrangements for child or adult baptism must be made in advance with the priest. Please complete the St. James Baptism Application and return to the church
office. Link to Baptism application (coming soon)

Holy Communion

The Gospels recount the Lord’s Last Supper when Jesus took bread and wine, blessed the gifts, forgave sins and commanded the Apostles to always perform this Sacrament in remembrance of Him (Matthew 26: 26-28; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19).

Holy Communion is offered during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, except during the Great Lent. This Sacrament allows us to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine for the remission of sins and the reception of eternal life.

Preparation for Holy Communion

The Sacrament of Holy Communion expresses our desire to return to the path that leads to God.

  1. Consider your intentions. Reflect on the ways you have sinned, be repentant, and reconcile with people with whom you are not on good terms.
  2. If your health allows, fast the morning of Holy Communion.
  3. Confess your sins in the corporate confession read aloud in the church. The priest will provide absolution.
  4. Quietly join the line for Communion at the right of the altar. Head coverings are available for women as they move toward the altar.
  5. As you approach the chalice, make the sign of the cross and say “Megha Asdoodzo, I have sinned against God” The priest then places a small particle of our Lord’s Body and Blood—the bread having been dipped into the wine—directly into your mouth.
  6. Make the sign of the Cross again and step to the side for others to approach the Blessed Sacrament.
  7. After all have received Holy Communion, the priest imparts the blessing of Psalm 28:9 “Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance; shepherd them and lift them up from henceforth until eternity.”
  8. Take home mas. Share the blessed bread of the Liturgy with people who are not able to attend church.


Jesus first miracle occurred at the wedding of Cana in Galilee. By his attendance, Our Lord demonstrated his approval of the sanctity of marriage.

The divine foundation set by Christ makes marriage a Holy Sacrament. By mutual accord of the man and the woman, they are united together with a spiritual bond to each other and to the Church.

The central part of this sacrament is when the bride and groom are crowned as king and queen of their small kingdom, which is their newly established family. They are called to love each other until the end of their lives and to rule their kingdom with faith and wisdom.

The rite of crowning is followed by the blessing of the common cup of wine. A cup of wine is blessed in remembrance of the Marriage at Cana. Both the bride and groom drink from the same cup. This is the first act of the newlywed couple. It is also a reminder of what marriage is: something that is sweet, but takes years to become sweet.

Arrangements for the blessing of the rings and wedding ceremony must be made in advance with the church office.

Link to PDF Marriage application (coming soon).

Link to Wedding Service English Translation (coming soon)
